For Here Or To Go Trailer | Story Of Indian Immigrants In The USA
USA is a society that has been enriched by multiple waves of immigration.
Immigrants have made enormous contribution to cutting edge innovation in the US, especially in Science & technology, business and IT.
2:50 seconds trailer of the movie “For here or to go” highlights the theme of highly skilled first generation immigrants, their skyrocketing ambition, straddling two distinct cultures and alienation. The disconnect and dilemma of the Indian immigrants. It is a story about a young Indian software engineer in Silicon valley who gets a job offer at a healthcare startup. But when the company comes to know that his work visa will expire in 1 year, his offer is rejected. The guy tries hard for the renewal of his visa and comes across fastidious and stringent US visa norms, which seems bizarre to an Indian with the ‘chalta hai’ (everything goes) attitude and ‘jugaad’ mindset.
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