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Take your date for a dinner to these 10 most romantic destinations in Delhi
A scrumptious meal at an amazing diner is one of the most satisfying things you could gift to your partner. Be it a special celebration or if you just want to pamper your partner to the moon with a toothsome dinner; all you need is the…
Courtesy: Virat Kohli; Wearing wedding ring around neck is the new ‘fad’
Virat Kohli has become the perfect boyfriend/husband goal for every girl ever since he started dating Anushka Sharma. And now when both of them are happily married, fans are noticing their each and every move with even more fondness.…
How to keep your skin soft during winters? Try these home remedies
The spine-chilling winter season has arrived across the globe and so is the dryness and itchiness of the skin. Our dependency on moisturizers and beauty creams increases substantially during winters. We often ignore the goodness of home…
Foods to Fight #DelhiSmog | Keep safe with these eating options
#DelhiSmog is literally killing the people of NCR with each passing day. While people are cautious about stepping out and using masks to avoid inhaling ppm particles; it is also essential to have a healthy diet on regular basis. These food…
Let Kangana Teach You How To Bawse The Saree Game
Your personality is reflected from your appearance and Kangana’s bold personality that she is widely known for is conspicuous in her unique dress sense and style. Just like she ousts her emotions without quoting her words with sugar,…
GST On Sanitary Napkins Is A “Girls Ko Satao Tax” – Kalki Koechlin
I am on my periods while writing this after I shut up my PC twice because I was just not feeling like doing it. I was in pain, everything around me was just irritating me because it’s the second day which can also be summed up as the…
Follow these tips to detox yourself and get back in shape after festive bingeing
Indisputably, Diwali is one time in a year when we all let down our guard, let loose our hair and soak in the spirit of the festivities unabashedly. However, as the celebrations die down, after weeks of preparation and revelries, we are…
Thanks To The Bizarre Fashion World, Now We Have New ‘Thong Jeans’
Just when we think that we have seen enough and nothing can get more bizarre than this, a new high-fashion trend hit us hard and make us rethink. After bare-butt and nostril-brows, it is the new revolutionary thong jeans that have left…
#MeTooForAll | Don’t limit this wonderful movement to just women
The 'Me too' campaign triggered women from different spheres to come out and speak about their experiences of sexual harassment. The initiative is applaudable as it made women speak up about experiences which they would rather keep under…
First Period Ad Is At Last Here In 2017 That Shows The Period Blood As The Color It Actually Is
We live in a society where boys grow up solving the quizzes of periods, menstruation, and menstrual blood. Let alone the boys, even girls before they experience it believe that the period blood is blue for a long time, courtesy - the…