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Aarogya Setu App: Your trusted partner during COVID-19 pandemic
Download & Install Aarogya Setu App today & protect yourself and your family from Covid-19.
Health and fitness tips in the time of Coronavirus: Avoid gyms, workout at home
With the Coronavirus scare wresting all control from our social lives, one thing which will hurt fitness enthusiasts the most is the closure of gyms. As “social distancing” remains a piece of unanimous health advice, yoga classes, gym…
A cute childhood love story that comes with a deep relationship lesson
Children are the most beautiful creation of God. They are pure, unmoved by material considerations, and totally governed by their hearts. Many a time, unknowingly, they make us realize some of the deepest life truths. This is exactly what…
10 healthy lifestyle tips for people in their late 20s
Source: Harvard University
Being in your 20s puts quite a lot of pressure on you. You’re expected to sort out your career, your love life, and you also must take care of your aging parents. With so much going on, it’s!-->!-->!-->…
How to maintain your sanity while carrying on with your 9-5 job
Pop culture these days is hell-bent on romanticizing leaving your mundane, routine 9-5 job and delve into something adventurous, or something “sexy”. Choosing to stick with a 9-hour boring routine instead of following your passion is!-->!-->…
Top 10 health tips for men to live by: International Men’s Health Week
International Men's Health week is on. This is the perfect time to remind the very special men in our lives to take care of themselves. Here are 10 health tips men can use to lead better lifestyles.
Nike introduces plus-sized mannequins in its London store
At the newly unveiled flagship store in London, Nike introduced a new sportswear range for plus-sized women and even plus-sized mannequins to showcase it.
This Lady Has Applied Cow Dung On Her Car To Beat Summer Heat
To fight scorching heat in the car, this lady from Ahmedabad has come up with a unique method to keep her car cool.
गर्मी में दिखेगी आपकी स्किन और भी साफ और ग्लोइंग, अपनाएं ये 12 सीक्रेट्स
कुछ ऐसे टिप्स जिनकी मदद से कुछ ही मिनट में आपकी स्किन कोमल और चमकदार होने के साथ ही साथ रीफ्रेश भी महसूस करेगी.
Ramzan Special Food Will Drool You Completely
Ramzan is here! The most important month of the Muslim calendar is observed by Muslims all over the world. For 30 days, people observing Ramzan will abstain from eating and drinking in the daylight.