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17% people check their smartphones during intercourse
Continuously checking smartphone has turned into an obsession for millennials.
Love Matters: फिर से होगा न यार, हैप्पी वाला प्यार!
कभी सोचा है प्यार में होने पर हम खुद को भूल जाते हैं और फिर जब वही चला जाता है तो भी हमें सिर्फ वही क्यों याद रहता हैं? इस पूरे सीन में आप कहां हो?..... आपकी ख़ुशी आप खुद ही भूल गए.
कुम्भ: आस्था, पौराणिकता और ज्योतिषीय महत्व का महासंगम
कहा जा रहा है कि इस साल करीब 15 करोड़ लोग संगम में आस्था की डुबकी लगाकर पुण्य कमाएंगे. बता दें कि इस बार किन्नर अखाड़े को भी मान्यता मिली है जिसके बाद शाही स्नान में इस बार आम लोगों के साथ-साथ 14 अखाड़ों के साधु संतों ने हिस्सा लिया. इसके…
Stop Eating these Unhealthy Snacks at your Work Desk
We end up consuming more than 100,000 extra calories each year in the name of snacking in office.
10 Reasons Why Staying Single Could Be The Best Decision Of Your Life
We spend a considerable amount of time and money on finding the right life partner. Yes, all humans need companionship but is it worth it to vow for a single partner for the rest of our lives?
Chetan Bhagat as a Motivational Speaker | 5 Life Lessons you Must Learn
After donning the hat of investment banker and writer, now Chetan Bhagat is trying to motivate people by posting a variety of short motivational videos based on different subjects on Facebook.
Food Frenzy By Ariba | These 5 Recipes will Make your Winters Awesome
Here are 5 homely recipes from Food Frenzy By Ariba which we recommend you must try while the sun is still cold and the nights are darker to relive your childhood.
5 reasons stopping you from becoming successful in life
The hang-ups which are preventing you from achieving your next benchmark.
10 instances of worrisome usage of “quotation marks”
Used to grant importance to a particular part of a sentence or to attribute it to someone else, this holier than thou among the punctuation marks is made from the stuff angels are made of.
Food Frenzy By Ariba | Indian Pepper Chicken Recipe
Nothing could beat the juicy flavours of spicy and hot chicken in winters.