Happy Mothers’ Day | 5 lovely quotes that will brighten up your day
Mothers are our first teachers, our petty secret keepers, our stalking companions and our best friends. Depending on the pedestal of life you are stepping on, a mother plays myriad roles with utmost perfection. If unconditional love could ever personalize itself, it would do so in the form and shape of a mother. From keeping a tab on whether you had lunch on time to knowing when not all is well with you without you uttering a word, mothers are the most special gifts that grace our existence. Here are five heartwarming quotes that will spell out the true love between a mother and a child in the most beautiful way :
![Image Source : National Geographic](https://hootsoot.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/prod-yourshot-209265-17361591.jpg)
![Image Credit : World Vision](https://hootsoot.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Mother-and-Child-in-India-sm-1280x8541.jpg)
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