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Here is another reason for women to start running ‘now’

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Running helps in losing weight, keeping the cardiovascular health in good shape, benefits the spine and makes your legs stronger. Running is a complete exercise in itself. Recently, Milind Soman also revealed in an interview that he only runs for 3-4 times a week and never visits a gym to stay fit.

And now women have one more reason to take up the healthy habit of running. As per the latest study conducted by scientists from the University of Exeter and the University of Leicester; running for just even one to two minutes a day can help in to improve women’s bone health and reduce the chances of fracture and osteoporosis in older women.


Researchers found out that who did high interval, weight-bearing activity equivalent to a medium-paced run for premenopausal women, or a slow jog for postmenopausal women, were found to have better bone health.Women doing an average of 60 to 120 seconds high-intensity workout on regular basis had 4% better bone density than the ones who were not doing. Scientists have analyzed the data of more than 2,500 women to compare activity levels with bone health. Researchers also found that women who were doing high-intensity activity for more than 2 minutes had 6% better bone health.


Women doing an average of 60 to 120 seconds high-intensity workout on regular basis had 4% better bone density than the one who were not doing. Scientists have analyzed the data of more than 2,500 women to compare activity levels with bone health. Researchers also found that women who were doing high intensity activity for more than 2 minutes had 6% better bone health.


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