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Listen to The Bong Song to understand the Bengali Culture

Two Bengali musicians, Somak and Orchon have prepared a 'The Bong Song' to pay tribute to the lifestyles of Bangla Manush.

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Source: YouTube

Bengalis are different. From their food to culture; everything breathes uniqueness in its own form. Now, two Bengali musicians, Somak and Orchon have prepared a ‘The Bong Song’ to pay tribute to the lifestyles of Bangla Manush.

“I swim in the glory of bygones,
I shout out my socialist pride,
And as I bow down with my black coat and gown
There’s always a rebel inside!”

The tune has been borrowed by Scottish folk song My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. The song is a unique fusion of guitar and the ukulele with Indian instruments and talks about the lifestyle of thoughts of bong people.

Enjoy the song here:


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Created with Visual Composer