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Remember the mind boggling ‘hallway dream fight’ in Inception? Nobody could have filmed it like Christopher Nolan

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christopher nolan

Christopher Nolan’s ‘Inception’ is one of the few movies that flummox the viewers, leaving them gasping and trying to figure out the actual meaning of the movie. The mega-budget Hollywood movie is a cinematic feat and each and every scene in it is executed after a lot of deliberation to achieve precision and perfection.

Inception is about dreams and dreams within dreams and how some criminal gangs were exploiting them for mind control and espionage.


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In the climax of the movie, there is the gravity defying hallway dream sequence fight. What makes the scene intriguing and unique is that Nolan used no animations, pixel adjustment or space technology for shooting that scene.

How was the breathtaking scene shot?

Watch the video.


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