This Stunning Video Of Mars Will Leave You Speechless
The Red Planet Mars is very intriguing for us. Many space exploration missions have been sent to Mars. We try to obtain the best pictures of the surface there using high resolution satellite cameras. But three dimensional view is required to view surface of Mars completely. Special terrain modelling and topography adjusting softwares are very important for a perfect view of the surface. And we have made tremendous progress in this regard.
As per geologist Alfred McEwen, principle investigator on NASA’s High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment “the best way to see the planet’s surface would be to take a digital image and enhance it on your computer,”
In the last 12 years, the powerful HiRISE camera has snapped 50,000 spectacular, high-resolution stereo images of the Martian terrain from the planet’s orbit. Finnish filmmaker Jan Fröjdman has transformed the HiRISE imagery into a dynamic, 3-D, overhead view of the Red Planet. No glasses required to watch this video.
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