10th board exams are often considered as the base of any kid’s upcoming academic and professional future. This is why parents take 10th board exams very seriously. They leave no stone unturned in ensuring that their kids score well in the exams. Majority of the parents even burden their children with the challenge to score over 90%.
The toxic examination culture of India has overburdened students who are unable to score good marks. Students who score less suffer from social embarrassment and are not even accepted well by their parents. As if students have done some sort of crime and are unfit for society! Insane, TBH!
In such times when parents are expecting magical numbers in exams from their kids, this mother is celebrating her son’s 60% marks in class 10 board exams. Her unapologetic way to celebrate the exam result of her son is winning the internet. Her viral post has more than 10,000 likes and around 6000 shares.
In her heartwarming post, Vandana Sufia Katoch writes:
Super proud of my boy who scored a 60% in Class 10 board exams. Yes it is not a 90, but that doesn’t change how I feel. Simply because I have seen him struggle with certain subjects almost to the point of giving up, and then deciding to give his all in the last month-and-a-half to finally make it through! Here’s to you, Aamer. And others like you – fishes asked to climb trees. Chart your own course in the big, wide ocean, my love. And keep your innate goodness, curiosity and wisdom alive. And of course, your wicked sense of humour!
Vandana’s post has reflected an entirely different approach to parenthood. It is more important to support, celebrate and encourage our children to pursue what they actually like. Her views are an important reminder for all the parents out there that only marks are not important to achieve success in life.
People are hailing her for not scolding her for getting lesser marks in class 10 board exam.
What do you think about her views? Tell us in comments below.
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